Jaywalkers Interactive is a two-man game development studio based in The Netherlands, made up of Vincent Bonefaas and Laurens Bruins.
Our main focus right now is Kick & Fennick, a platform adventure for Playstation Vita released in February of 2015. We've also developed Blue Marble, a demo for the highly anticipated VR headset Oculus Rift, which we absolutely love. In between all this, we do a bit of freelance work so we can afford a sandwich now and then.
Vincent and Laurens got to know each other about 7 years ago, at a game development company called Coded Illusions in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Fresh out of school and passionate about games, they both started off as artists on a big action title for PC codenamed Haven. It was right around the time the Xbox 360 and PS3 hit, and the project became very ambitious to fulfill the high expectations these fancy new next-gen platforms had. We were a passionate bunch, but inexperienced too. The project became too much to handle for our small team and the plug was pulled.
We've learned a lot during that time about how to handle the immense amount of work a project like that requires, but also about our roles in game development. Vincent became lead animator during that time and Laurens went from lead environment artist to game designer. We both found our place in these roles and were developing some really cool - and a lot smaller! - concepts, but soon after we ran out of money and Coded Illusions disbanded.
With little downtime, a core group of people including the two of us moved to Playlogic Game Factory, a very ambitious but inexperienced team trying to tackle a big console project again. We've all worked long and hard in the year that was left of production - Vincent as animator and Laurens as lead level designer - but the game received less than stellar reviews on release. Sales disappointed and not long after, while trying to undo the wrongs and develop small and very cool concepts again, Playlogic filed for bankruptcy.
We've gotten pretty burned out during these times, working hard but not reaping the rewards, so Vincent decided to go for broke and start his own indie game company. Laurens didn't dare to take the plunge just yet, but after a short but disappointing venture at yet another game company, he ran out of options and it was either going abroad and leave friends and family behind or join Vincent and try to do it themselves. The latter happened and now we're here, doing what we love most: Making games the way we want to! :)